Moving Forward… (Life Update)


Hey loves! It’s been quite some time for me. I’m unsure where to even start, but I believe an update is due. I feel The Lord encouraging me to be transparent, so I’ll allow Him to guide my words. I abruptly took a step back from this blog to really figure myself out. I wanted to make sure my life was aligning with what I was sharing. 


I undoubtedly knew I wanted to empower and uplift everyone who landed on A Missing Peace. However, I didn’t feel my life was aligning with what I was sharing, which caused me to do some soul-searching. “How so?” you may be wondering, well I was a babe in Christ, still figuring it out and to be cut and dry, I needed to stop being lukewarm. 


In 2020, I got baptized and in 2021, God brought me to and through a season. That season felt like it knocked the wind out of me. I experienced heartbreak, loss of a job opportunity, and just pure uncertainty and despair. I had no choice, but to cling onto God because every day felt like a battle. I fasted, prayed, joined a church group, went to church, journaled, you name it. I KNEW I had to keep pressing on, I had to trust there was light at the end of the tunnel even when I couldn’t see it. I had to trust that person was not who God had for me. I had to trust that, that job was not God’s best for me. I had to trust, one day I will stop crying and regain my God-given strength. I felt like I lost myself and I felt like a failure. I just knew God was displeased with me. Why was I going through so many things back-to-back? I pondered and reflected on every shortcoming I had. “God must be punishing me, I must I deserve it”, I thought deep down (let me tell you, the pity parties were real sometimes!) But I had to fight the good fight of faith. God revealed so much about myself and has kept me through it all. Might I add He has also blessed me 2x over [praise Him]. 


Writing is one of my passions, and God has reminded me of A Missing Peace consecutively throughout my time being away. I am incredibly blessed to be back and ready to commit to sharing my journey and building a community with you all.


Thank you for taking the time to read this and extending grace towards me. Please pray for me as I will pray for you.


For we walk by faith, not by sight II Corinthians 5:7 [NKJV]


My suffering was good for me, for it taught me to pay attention to your decrees. Psalms 119:71 [NLT]


Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles of any kind come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy, For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing. James 1:2-4 [NLT]



With Love,

