Being Fully Transparent with God

What does it mean to be fully transparent? There’s a definition of transparency that states: “The quality of being done in an open way without secrets.” 

We as humans tend to keep secrets out of shame, guilt, being judged and/or misunderstood. If society is prone to shunning us, how do we comprehend the idea that our Lord and Savior never intends to make us feel this way?

It has been widely accepted that a successful relationship is built on trust and communication (amongst other key components). In regards to having a relationship with God, He is very upfront with us in His expectations of having a relationship with Him. Sometimes we forget the fact that to be in fellowship with God IS to have a relationship WITH God. The reality is, God is for us more than we are for ourselves. He wants to help you and I through this thing called Life. There are many verses in the Bible that advises us to cast our burdens unto the Lord. Psalm 55:22 NLT says: “Give your burdens to the LORD, and he will take care of you. He will not permit the godly to slip and fall.” How comforting is it to know there is Someone that you can unload your burdens to? Someone who loves you enough to give you their burden that is instead light? (Matthew 11:30 KJV). Why do we make life more difficult than it already is, when we have a God who cares about our well-being? 

When I was a babe in Christ, I put unnecessary pressure on myself to be a “perfect Christian”. It was especially during prayer where I felt what I was vocalizing to God and what I felt internally wasn’t in agreement with each other, thus I experienced frustration and disappointment. I didn’t feel authentic because I was sugarcoating my feelings to God. The last thing I wanted was Him being angry with me if I told Him: I was frustrated, that I felt discouraged, I felt sadness, that I was stressed out and experiencing depression. How dare I tell a perfect GOD this? I didn’t understand what it meant to have a relationship with Christ. Like many others, I thought I had to be religious to be accepted by God. It wasn’t until I graduated college with a degree and ended up waiting 7 months+ for a job I was overqualified for  (a story in itself) that I learned “okay Lord, I need to tell you how I actually feel.” I did not have a car so I was stuck in the house in an unfamiliar area (we’d just moved there) almost everyday while my family went to work. I went through a lot of pruning during that time to say the least.

The Bible says “For he knoweth the secrets of the heart” (Psalm 44:21). If God knows our heart, we might as well come to Him and confess how we feel, repent if need me, and just converse with Him so He can correct our ways and provide guidance. Notice I said converse. I don’t know about you, but I’m guilty of having one-sided conversations with God. I’m still learning to seek His voice and let Him speak to me. I love having a relationship with God, it’s better than being religious like the Pharisees. In moments where I feel that I’m beating around the bush, I remind myself in prayer by saying things like “Lord, I know I can be transparent with you.” Saying this out loud helps me remember that the Lord is my safe space. I can confide in Him about any- and everything because He created me in His image and knows me better than I know myself. 

I just want to remind you as you are reading this, be fully transparent with your Lord and Savior. If there is anything that you have kept from Him that you feel ashamed about, guilty, or misunderstood about I promise you will feel better when you cast your cares unto Him. Do not keep yourself in bondage anymore, that’s what the enemy wants. God is for you, let Him take care of your heart love.

With Love,
