A Path to Purity and Self-Discovery

The topic of purity is one with mixed views and/or emotions. Today, in the Christian community to walk in purity can be interpreted in different ways. I agree to a certain extent that it indeed could be. God has given us guidance on navigating through life. In addition to His word, God has also allowed us to build a personal relationship with Him. With that, our convictions may vary due to the individualized relationships we have with Him. I want to preface this post by saying today we are focusing on a broader scope of purity. Since there are many subtopics under the umbrella of purity (including but not limited to abstinence of sex), we will have to dive deeper on specific topics in the near future. 

As believers we are called to live a life of purity. Throughout Scripture, it is either outwardly expressed or implied by words used such as: sanctification, abstain, pure, etc. Now I know some believers may be thinking purity seems monotonous or even anti-climatic. It’s okay to admit that, but I want to encourage you to ask God what does purity mean for your life. Also read through Scripture the words that are bolded and see what God has to say about it. Listen, this walk is indeed a journey and everyone perceives things differently, but you have to check your heart and make sure it is coming from a place of genuineness and not rebellion. What I mean by that is, sometimes we do have legitimate questions and/or concerns for God that may cause the religious folks in the back to clutch their pearls. While other times our hearts may not be pure when asking questions because we have certain motives behind it. In other words, are you asking God particular questions in order to continue walking the path of righteousness? Or are you simply inquiring with hopes of finding a loophole that’ll result in you feeding your flesh?

The truth is I have been on both sides of the spectrum and the reality is everyday is a battle. One thing I have observed in modern Christianity is we justify our mediocre attempts to walk with Christ. Additionally, many of us are comfortable and somewhat complacent in our walks. The truth hurts, but the Lord prompted me to call a thing a thing. This was also for me to hear. Sometimes I get comfortable, but we are doing a disservice to ourselves to not want to continuously sanctify ourselves to be a better representation of Christ. Now please do not miss the point here. I know it’s not works that will get us into heaven, I also know and acknowledge that Christ paid the ultimate price so we are no longer guilty as charged. What I am saying is since Christ laid down his life for us, since He loves us unconditionally, since He is the intercessor between us and God…what would it cost us to truly desire purification of ourselves?

For me, I realized I wasn’t walking the same path as some friends and/or believers. My convictions are different than theirs. Does that mean I should disregard my convictions? Of course not, it means I have to continuously lean on God for the strength to obey His word even when society and my peers may be doing something different. When I reflect on my life: the past hurt, troubles, and struggles I have experienced and seeing His hand over my life then and now, I know I have to continue holding myself accountable. We cannot change on our own, we have to repent and ask God to help us be delivered from anything that keeps us impure. Whether it’s fornication, drug abuse, alcoholism, cursing, gossiping, lust, etc.

What would it cost us to turn away from these impurities? What would it cost if Christ paid the ultimate price? In case you didn’t know, it would essentially cost nothing. Many if not all the things we try to justify ends up being a slippery slope. I acknowledge it’s not always easy denying our fleshly desires, but we as believers have to make a better attempt at walking the straight and narrow path. Let’s create boundaries for ourselves, let have some accountability in our lives, let’s commune with other believers. Ask God to reveal and cleanse any areas of impurities in your life. There’s no condemnation so don’t feel bad, however we have to repent and hold ourselves to a higher standard because we are a representation of Christ. 

But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, and easy to be intreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality, and without hypocrisy. James 3:17 [KJV]

With Love,
